
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
基於智能公平之環境啟迪幼兒多元智能 : 以中國啟蒙讀物《三字經》為文本 check Full Text
張嘉玲 張國祥 2023. Master
The effects of socio-ecological factors on growth mindset : comparing Macao and Finland in PISA 2018 check Full Text
Wu, Qi Cheng 張國祥 2023. Master
運用多元智能實施常識課堂的行動研究 : 以「處變不驚」單元為例 check Full Text
容家皓 張國祥 2023. Master
陶淵明詠史詩研究 = Research on Tao Yuanming's poems on history check Full Text
向若珺 張月 2023. Master
莊子對阮籍詠懷詩的影響 = Zhuangzi's influence on Ruan Ji's Yong Huai poems check Full Text
陳立新 張月 2023. Master
朱定元《靜寧堂詩集》校注與研究 = The annotation and research of Zhu Dingyuan's Jingningtang Poetry check Full Text
趙蕙 張月 2023. Master
古鼎作香爐: 宋元時期燒香器皿的轉型
范楨 張澤珣 2023. Doctoral
Detection and recognition method of lung nodules based on deep learning check Full Text
Li, Jin Yu 張立明 2023. Master
Multiple-person tracking with criss-cross attention and deep matching
Liu, Zhuo Yang 張立明 2023. Master
Fatigue driving detection network based on LTSM and CNN model
Sun, Liang Cheng 張立明 2023. Master

Showing 481 to 490 of 653 results