
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
Flexisecurity in the employment policy of the European Union check Full Text
An, Bai Yan Meyer, Thomas 2013. Master
Development of an efficient and robust air quality prediction system for ground-level ozone in Macau check Full Text
Chao, Ka Man Mok Kai Meng 2013. Master
Marked adjacency pairs and English code-switched items : seven case studies of turn-by-turn conversation in Guess in Taiwan
Chang, Huan Hua Moody, Andrew Jackson 2013. Master
Intellectual property arbitration and public policy in China : conflict or coordination? check Full Text
Chen, Hai Fei Neuwirth Rostam J. 2013. Master
The transparency rule in international investment law and China's commitments
Zhang, Sheng Neuwirth Rostam J. 2013. Master
Corporate social responsibility reporting and performance gap : a case study of Foxconn's Shenzhen factories check Full Text
Wang, Xiao Chen Noronha, Carlos 2013. Master
A study of corporate social responsibility disclosure in the Macao gaming industry check Full Text
Sio, Hou In Noronha, Carlos 2013. Master
Corporate social responsibility reporting : the case of China's milk products industry check Full Text
Kong, Wai Peng Noronha, Carlos 2013. Master
The influence of regional trade agreements and other factors on China's trade flows to its primary trade partners : an empirical study based on the gravity model check Full Text
Tu, Yi Ran Porapakkarm, Ponpoje 2013. Master
PFLL(Economic Juridical Sciences) 000 (SAMPLE) As relações económicas e comerciais entre a China e os países Africanos de língua oficial Portuguesa : alguns aspectos juridicos e economicos = Economic and trade relations between China and African Portuguese-speaking countries : some legal and economic aspects
Machava, Almeida Zacarias Porto Manuel Carlos Lopes 2013. Doctoral

Showing 121 to 130 of 387 results