
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
Some applications of support vector machines in financial prediction
Pun, Pou Kao Tam, Sik Chung 2008. Master
An investigation on H∞ control in relation to adaptive decomposition of signal
Wen, Mi Tao, Qian 2008. Master
Experiments in relation to adaptive decomposition of signals into mono-components
Ho, Io Tong Tao, Qian 2008. Master
Performance appraisal model and measurement : a synthesis of eastern and western content areas
Gao, Hong Taormina, Robert J. 2008. Doctoral
Composition effects on rising residual wage inequality
Ma, Mu Toche, Patrick 2008. Master
Habit formation in China
Chan, Fong Ieong Toche, Patrick 2008. Master
Impact of IT on the business process and organizational structure in libraries : a case analysis of the University of Macau Library
Pun, Nga Ian ToraskarKranti 2008. Master
An investigation on subband technique in active noise control system = 自適應雜訊控制系統中的分層技術研究
Liu, Chuan Vai, Mang I 2008. Master
ECG QRS complex detection with programmable hardware = 心電圖QRS複合波檢測算法及可編程器件實現
Ieong, Chio In Vai, Mang I 2008. Master
Automatic music transcription system for erhu music = 基於二胡音樂的自動轉譯系統
Xu, Huan Vai, Mang I 2008. Master

Showing 91 to 100 of 237 results