
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
Character development in the Harry Potter novels of J. K. Rowling
Chan, Mei Lan Kelen Christopher 2004. Master
An empirical investigation into organizational culture of banks in Macau
Chan, Chao Tong Kong, Siew Huat 2004. Master
An investigation into employees' insecurity in Macau : its causes and consequences
Chan, Mei Heong Kong, Siew Huat 2004. Master
Stress intensity factors for deep circumferential external surface cracks in hollow cylinders
Lao, Wai Keong Kou, Kun Pang 2004. Master
Opportunities and risks of foreign investments in the Chinese residential market : the case in the Yangtze River Delta Circle
Zhao, Zheng Rong Lai, Neng 2004. Master
On the efficiency of Hong Kong Mini-Hang Seng index futures and options markets
Zhang, Zhi Hua Lai, Neng 2004. Master
The ex-dividend day stock price behavior revisited : evidence in Hong Kong
Shi, Jia Le Lam, Siu Kwan 2004. Master
The role of banking industry in the economic development of Macao
Lei, Ngai Lam Lam, Siu Kwan 2004. Master
A multi agents control approach to robot soccer competition
Lei, Wai Ip Li, Yang Min 2004. Master
Kinematics, dynamics and control of parallel robots
Xu, Qing Song Li, Yang Min 2004. Master

Showing 11 to 20 of 146 results