
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author arrow_drop_down Supervisor Issue Date Degree
學校氛圍與學生滿意度之關係研究 : 以澳門大學書院為例 check Full Text
白茹雙 吳梅君 2019. Master
兩岸四地累犯制度比較研究 : 兼論中國內地累犯制度一體化之構想 check Full Text
申思琦 趙國強 2019. Doctoral
班固與劉勰 "離騷" 評論堪論初探 = A primary study of the criticism on Lisao by Bangu and Liuxie check Full Text
王雪婷 鄧國光 2019. Master
論馬洛伊. 山多爾 "燭燼" 的人性與命運探尋 = The exploration of human nature and destiny of Embers by Marai Sándor check Full Text
王芬 龔剛 2019. Master
MFE 000Curriculum and Instruction (SAMPLE) 合作學習融入小五中文閱讀理解教學的行動研究
王翠菱 王志勝 2019. Master
合作學習融入小五中文閱讀理解教學的行動研究 check Full Text
王翠菱 王志勝 2019. Master
Análise da difícil situação actual da tradução de chinês para português de acórdãos de Macau e da respectiva solução na perspectiva de tradução : estudo de caso de alguns acórdãos proferidos pelo Tribunal de Segunda Instância de Macau check Full Text
王穎 蘇建峰 2019. Master
"華西官話漢法詞典" 親屬稱謂研究 = A study on the kinship terms in Chinese-French Dictionary of Huaxi Mandarin check Full Text
王祥玉 王銘宇 2019. Master
澳門大學生網絡遊戲成癮與睡眠質素之關係的研究 check Full Text
王知章 李思敏 2019. Master
微信作品的著作權合理使用制度研究 = Research on the fair use institution of copyright in WeChat works check Full Text
王潤婷 稅兵 2019. Master

Showing 71 to 80 of 790 results