
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author arrow_drop_down Supervisor Issue Date Degree
從區際法律衝突視角, 論管轄權衝突和協調 = From the perspective of inerregional legal conflict, discuss the conflict and coordination of jurisdictions check Full Text
蘇添平 涂廣建 2019. Master
粵港澳大灣區人才發展的策略 : 以澳門為例 check Full Text
蘇嘉達 蕭楊輝 2019. Master
論澳門賭債案件在中國內地的法律適用問題 : 兼論特徵性履行說, 最密切聯繫原則與公共秩序保留原則 = The legal application of Macao gambling debt case in Mainland China : theory of the characteristic performance, the doctrine of the most significant relationship and the doctrine of reservation of public order check Full Text
薛宇 范劍虹 2019. Master
傳統刑法理論適用電腦或網絡犯罪的若干問題與分析 = Some questions and analysis regarding traditional theory of criminal law applying to computer or cyber crime check Full Text
蔡昕暉 趙國強 2019. Master
澳門政府社會保障基金養老金制度改革研究 check Full Text
蔡其新 陳建新 2019. Master
讓與擔保協議的效力 = The validity of transferring guarantee contract check Full Text
董福浩 稅兵 2019. Master
MCS(LIT) 000 (SAMPLE) 左翼文學論爭中魯迅思想的轉變 = The changes of Lu Xun's thought in the left-wing literature debate
董婉儀 朱壽桐 2019. Master
左翼文學論爭中魯迅思想的轉變 = The changes of Lu Xun's thought in the left-wing literature debate check Full Text
董婉儀 朱壽桐 2019. Master
陽江普通話的語音分析 = A phonological analysis of Yangjiang Putonghua check Full Text
葉芳菲 侍建國 2019. Master
涉非法集資罪的民間借貸合同效力問題研究 = The study of the validity of the contract in illegal fund-raising cases check Full Text
葉正蔚 稅兵 2019. Master

Showing 51 to 60 of 790 results