
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author arrow_drop_down Supervisor Issue Date Degree
跨國代孕中法定父母身份認定的國際私法問題及跨國代孕公約的構建 = Private international law issues of legal parentage on cross-border surrogacy and the establishment of the convention on cross-border surrogacy check Full Text
楊管鈺 涂廣建 2019. Master
廈門閩南語 "重疊詞+V" 的連讀變調研究 = A study of tone sandhi of "Reduplication + V" in Xiamen Southern Min check Full Text
楊晶晶 許德寶 2019. Master
多元文化環境影響下澳門的傳媒業生態研究 check Full Text
楊思玥 尹德剛 2019. Master
廣州居家養老服務的探討研究 check Full Text
楊夢 陳建新 2019. Master
建甌方言的反復問句 = The X-Neg-X polar question in Jian'ou dialect check Full Text
楊博瀚 劉鴻勇 2019. Master
組織氣候與組織承諾之關係 : 以澳門中學教師為例 check Full Text
梁黃傑 Kam, Chun Seng 2019. Master
論第 7/2013 號法律 (俗稱 "樓花法" ) 產生的若干問題 check Full Text
梁采怡 蘇建峰 2019. Master
澳門男性幼稚園教師專業認同歷程探討 : 以一位男性幼稚園教師為例 check Full Text
梁達勝 周憶粟 2019. Master
論澳門 "非法提供住宿" 刑事化的可行性 = Feasibility of criminalization "prohibition of providing illegal accommodation" in Macau check Full Text
梁美詩 蘇建峰 2019. Master
澳門中學生之師生關係對物理學習動機, 學業成就的影響 / 梁月兒 = The influence of teacher-student relationship on the learning motivation of physics and academic achievement in Macau check Full Text
梁月兒 魏冰 2019. Master

Showing 91 to 100 of 790 results