
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author arrow_drop_up Supervisor Issue Date Degree
章燦鋼 張華青 2003. Master
竺建偉 唐賢興 2006. Master
明清嶺南儒佛思想與天然函昰 "瞎堂詩集" 研究 = A study on the thought of Buddhism and Confucian during Ming and Qing Dynasties in south of the five ridges : based on master Tianran Hanshi and his Xiatang Anthology check Full Text
符愔暢 鄭德華 2015. Master
嶺南文學史論 check Full Text
符愔暢 楊義 2019. Doctoral
抗抑鬱藥療效的系統評價和薈萃分析 check Full Text
符永鈺 梁少偉 2013. Master
澳門作家寫作語言的本土特徵 : 以寂然為例 = The local features of Macau author's writing language check Full Text
符策偉 邵朝陽 2017. Master
澳門私立學校一位新手教師的專業化過程的個案研究 check Full Text
符霖甘 曾琦 2012. Master
Food anthropomorphism : a study of anthropomorphic food in The Magic Pudding, The Short Life and Happy Times of the Shmoo and Chicken Run check Full Text
管婷婷 Kelen Christopher 2016. Master
試論 "史記·列傳" 中太史公話語的體現 = A research of Sima Qian's discourse in biographies (Liezhuan)of Shi Ji check Full Text
簡家偉 鄧國光 2013. Master
論澳門行政合同制度 = A study of the system of administrative contract in Macau check Full Text
簡慧妍 邱庭彪 2018. Master

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