
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author arrow_drop_up Supervisor Issue Date Degree
A novel method for stroke adjustment in Chinese character synthesis process check Full Text
Bian, Qian Nan 張立明 2021. Master
The study of behavioral sensitization induced by a single morphine exposure in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) check Full Text
Bian, Ya Qi Lee, Ming-Yuen 2021. Doctoral
Compare performance of different classification algorithms using Weka for the reconstruction of clustered data check Full Text
Bian, Yan Fong, Chi Chiu 2019. Master
Adaptações tonais dos empréstimos do português brasileiro no mandarim padrão check Full Text
Bian, Yu Xin Araujo, Gabriel Antunes de 2023. Master
The applicability of China's Bilateral Investment Treaty to Hong Kong and Macau check Full Text
Bie, Liang Hui Mo Shijian 2017. Master
Development and evaluation of a logic model for comprehensive enteral nutrition care for ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) : a pilot study in China check Full Text
Bie, Rui Xue 胡豪 2019. Master
Image-based modeling and physically-based design in virtual environment
Bin, Sheng Wu, Enhua 2007. Master
Human ESC-derived MSCs enhance fat engraftment by promoting adipocyte reaggregation, secreting CCL2 and mobilizing macrophages check Full Text
Borkar, Roma Pradeep Xu Ren He 2021. Doctoral
Macau durante a II Guerra Mundial : sociedade, educacao física e desporto
Braga, Isabel Maria Peixoto, Venancio Jose Carlos 1999. Master
Datasets, parameters and features optimization for GPU based neural networks check Full Text
Brito, Ricardo Fong, Chi Chiu 2019. Master

Showing 111 to 120 of 10000 results