
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author arrow_drop_up Supervisor Issue Date Degree
小社區, 大歷史 : 澳門雀仔園坊的歷史變遷 = Small community, great history : the historical changes of "Bairro da Horta da Mitra" in Macao check Full Text
甄桂芳 林發欽 2016. Master
中藥保健食品的市場與監管 : 一項跨區域的比較研究 check Full Text
田思齊 胡元佳 2016. Master
整合及制度化 : 唐前期道教研究 check Full Text
白照傑 賈晉華 2016. Doctoral
"二拍" 中的商人形象探究 = A study on the image of businessman in Er Pai check Full Text
盧彩紅 鄧駿捷 2016. Master
音樂敏感性, 語言能力與中英文閱讀能力之間的相關性研究 check Full Text
秦瀟曉 Zhang, Juan 2016. Master
Food anthropomorphism : a study of anthropomorphic food in The Magic Pudding, The Short Life and Happy Times of the Shmoo and Chicken Run check Full Text
管婷婷 Kelen Christopher 2016. Master
澳門監管公共運輸政策研究 : 以維澳蓮運巴士公司為例 = A study of public transportation supervisory policy in Macao : a case study of Reolian Public Transport check Full Text
羅嫦意 鄺錦鈞 2016. Master
教科書性別意識型態 : 以內地與香港初一語文教科書為例 check Full Text
羅曼琳 向天屏 2016. Master
中國新型農村合作醫療制度政策評估 : 以四川省 X 縣為例 check Full Text
羅躍 鄺錦鈞 2016. Master
錢謙益 "列朝詩集" 選評明代前後七子研究 = Research on Qian Qianyi's Ming Dynasty Poems' selection, processing and commentary of the Former Seven and the Late Seven check Full Text
聞曉虹 鄧駿捷 2016. Master

Showing 611 to 620 of 716 results