
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author arrow_drop_up Supervisor Issue Date Degree
A tighter uncertainty principle for hypercomplex signals in the linear canonical transform domains check Full Text
Lei, Ka Man Kou, Kit Ian 2014. Master
Equivalencia e nao equivalencia : a traducao de toponimos de Macau check Full Text
Lei, Si Wan 姚京明 2014. Master
The lexical features in Macao weblogs : the usage of shortening and Chinese romanization check Full Text
Lei, Sok Ling Moody, Andrew Jackson 2014. Master
Analyzing the role of social media in creating visitations in Macau's integrated resorts check Full Text
Lei, Sut Ieng McCartney, Glenn 2014. Master
The relationship between community attitudes towards tourism and acceptability of tourism development options in Macau check Full Text
Lei, Weng In McCartney, Glenn 2014. Master
Mediation in news translation : a comparative study of two Chinese newspapers covering Edward Snowden's disclosures check Full Text
Leong, Cheng I Venkatesan, Hari 2014. Master
Do board structure and ownership structure affect bank's performance? : a study of Asian economies check Full Text
Leong, Chi Kong Vong, Pou Iu 2014. Master
How do Erasmus students perceive European identity? : a case study at Charles University in Prague check Full Text
Leong, Ka I Chan, Ka Lok 2014. Master
Personality and mobile instant messenger use among Macau citizens check Full Text
Leong, Ka Sin Taormina, Robert J. 2014. Master
Impact of the translator's attitudes in translating magazine articles : a case study of translations in Reader's Digest 2012
Leong, Kai 張美芳 2014. Master

Showing 121 to 130 of 507 results