
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
非物質文化遺產納入澳門小學美術課程的研究 check Full Text
宋梓燁 張澤珣 2019. Master
分享經濟背景下的勞動關係認定和網約工權益保護 : 由巴西 "優步案" 引發的思考 = The recognition of labor relations and the protection of gig workers under the background of sharing economy : reflections on the Brazilian Uber case check Full Text
虞洋 魏丹 2019. Master
夫妻分居期間的共同債務問題 = The problem of the husband and wife's joint debts during the separation check Full Text
閆曉宇 稅兵 2019. Master
乾隆四十九年天主教教案研究 check Full Text
李媛 湯開建 2019. Master
格式條款解釋規則 : 以網絡第三方支付為例 = Format terms interpretation rules : a case study of third party payment on the internet check Full Text
彭肅華 稅兵 2019. Master
個人與社會責任模式在澳門公立學校的個案研究 check Full Text
鍾子石 李思敏 2019. Master
公共政策與公共價值 : 以澳門文化遺產保護個案為例 check Full Text
廖克健 余永逸 2019. Master
共享單車相關法律問題淺析 = Analysis on legal issues related to sharing bicycles check Full Text
張凱 魏丹 2019. Master
構建內地個人破產免責制度的利益平衡問題 = On the balance of interests in the construction of discharge in mainland China check Full Text
吳子燕 蘇建峰 2019. Master
股權轉讓中登記之法律效力研究 = The study on the legal effect of registration in equity transfer check Full Text
李琪 范劍虹 2019. Master

Showing 61 to 70 of 790 results