
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Year
Dictionnaire chinois, français et latin : publié d'après l'ordre de sa majesté l'empereur et roi Napoléon le Grand
Basilio da Gemona,author 1813
Die Chinesische Küste der Provinz Kuang-tung, zu beiden Seiten des Meridians von Macao : der Provinz Kuang-tung, zu beiden Seiten des Meridians von Macao
Berghaus, Heinrich Karl Wilhelm,author 1834
Die Könige von Tibet
Schlaginweit, Emil,autor 1866
Diplomatic audiences at the court of China
Rockhill, William Woodville,author 1905
Directory of the Chinese students in colleges and universities in the United States of America : 1951-52.
Directory of the Chinese students in the United States of America : 1911-1912.
Discoveries in Chinese, or the symbolism of the primitive characters of the Chinese system of writing : as a contribution to philology and ethnology and a practical aid in the acquisition of the Chinese language
Andrews, Stephen Pearl,author 1854
Dissertation on the silk-manufacture and the cultivation of the mulberry translated from the works of Tseu-Kwang-K'he; called also Paul Siu, a colao, or minister of state in China.
Hsu, Kuang-ch'i, 1849
Dix ans de voyages dans la Chine et l'Indo-Chine
Thomson, John,auteur 1877
Documentos remetidos da Índia : ou livros das monções publicados da ordem de classe de ciências morais, políticas e belas-artes da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa.

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