
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Year
Translation of the Ts'ing Wan K'e Mung a Chinese grammar of the Manchu Tartar language : with introductory notes on Manchu lliterature
Translations from the Chinese and Armenian : with notes and illustrations
Translations from the Manchu, with the original texts, prefaced by an essay on the language
Meadows, Thomas Taylor 1819
Translations from the original Chinese : with notes
Tratado de amizade e commercio entre Sua Magestade Fidelissima El-Rei de Portugal e Sua Magestade o Imperador da China.
Travels and adventures, or an officer's wife in India, China, and New Zealand
Muter, Elizabethauthor 1864
Travels in China : descriptions, observations, and comparisons, made and collected in the course of a short residence at the imperial palace of Yuen-Min-Yuen, and on a subsequent journey through the country from Pekin to Canton ...
Barrow, John,uthor 1804
Travels in Indo-China and the Chinese empire
Carne, Louis de, 1872
Travels in Kamtchatka and Siberia : with a narrative of a residence in China
Dobell, Peter,author 1830
Travels in south-eastern Asia, embracing Hindustan, Malaya, Siam, and China : with notices of numerous missionary stations, and a full account of the Burman empire : with dissertations and tables, etc.
Malcolm, Howard,author 1839

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