
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Year
The life of Monseigneur Berneux, Bishop of Capse, Vicar-Apostolic of Corea
Pichon, Abbé,auteur 1872
The life of Robert Morrison : the first Protestant missionary to China
Alcott, William 1856
The life of Sir Halliday MaCartney, K.C.M.G. : Commander of Li Hung Chang's trained force in the Taeping rebellion, founder of the first Chinese arsenal, for thirty years councillor and secretary to the Chinese legation in London
Boulger, Demetrius Charles de Kavanagh,author 1908
The life of Sir Harry Parkes sometime Her Majesty's Minister to China & Japan
Dickins, F. Victor 1894
The life of Taou-Kwang, late Emperor of China : with memoirs of the court of Peking : including a sketch of the principal events in the history of the Chinese empire during the last fifty years
Gutzlaff, Karl Friedrich August,author 1852
The life of the Right Rev. Dr. A. Hartmann, O.C., Bishop of Derbe, Prelate Assistant to the Pontifical throne, Vicar Apostolic of Patna
Gashet, Anthony Mary,author 1868
The life of the venerable servant of God, Monseigneur Dumoulin Borie, a Bishop elect of acanthus, Vicar Apostolic of Western Tonquin, and martyr
Hewit, Augustine Francis,author 1856
The life of Yakoob Beg Athalik Ghazi, and Badaulet; Ameer of Kashgar
Boulger, Demetrius Charles de Kavanagh, 1878
The life, labours and doctrines of Confucius
Parker, Edward Harper, 1897
The life, letters and journals of the Rev. and Hon. Peter Parker, M.D. missionary, physician and diplomatist
Stevens, George Barker, 1896

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