
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Year
The beverages of the Chinese Kung-Fu or Tauist medical gymnastics : the population of China, a modern Chinese anatomist and a chapter in Chinese surgery
Dudgeon, John, 1895
The Biblical repository and quarterly observer
The big game of Central and Western China being an account of a journey from Shanghai to London overland across the Gobi desert
Wallace, Harold Frank, 1913
The Bishop of Durham on the opium question : an address, delivered at a meeting held under the auspices of the Society of Friends, in Exeter Hall, London, on Friday, 9th December 1904.
Moule, H. C. 1905
The blind in China a criticism of Miss C.F. Gordon-Cummings advocacy of the Murray non-alphabetic method of writing Chinese
Campbell, William, 1897
The blockade of the port & harbour of Hong Kong
The blue-eyed Manchu
Abdullah, Achmed,author 1917
The book of Chinese poetry being the collection of ballads, sagas, hymns and other pieces known as the Shih Ching or classic of poetry
The book of Ser Marco Polo : the Venetian concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East
Polo, Marco,author 1903
The book of tea
Okakura, Kakuzo,author 1921

Showing 1721 to 1730 of 2472 results