
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Year
T'oung pao archives = 通報.
T'oung pao archives = 通報.
Ta Tsing Leu Lee : being the fundamental laws and a selection from the supplementary statutes of the Penal Code of China : originally printed and published in Pekin, in various successive editions, under the sanction, and by the authority, of the several emperors of the Ta Tsing, or present dynasty
Ta-Tsing-Leu-Lée : ou les lois fondamentales du Code pénal de la Chine, avec le choix des statuts supplémentaires, originairement imprimé et publié à Pékin ...
Tabela de preços por serviços clínicos, médico-cirúrgicos, de enfermagem, de radiologia, agentes físicos e laboratoriais : aprovada pela Portaria n.º 6681, de 31 de Dezembros de 1960
Tables for estimating the cost of remittances to Shanghae & Hong-Kong : in bar-silver, Mexican dollars, drafts in India, and Carolus dollars
Page, F. M.,author 1863
Tales from the Middle Kingdom : stories of China
Willis, G. C. 1900
Tales of Chinatown
Rohmer, Sax,author 2004
Taoist texts ethical, political and speculative
Balfour, Frederic Henry 1884
Telegraphic determination of longitudes in Japan, China and the East Indies in 1881-1882 : embracing the meridians of Yokohama, Nagasaki, Wladiwostok, Shanghai, Amoy, Hong-Kong, Manila, Cape St. James, Singapore, Batavia, and Madras, with the latitude of the several stations
Green, F. 1883

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