
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Year
钩虫病是钩虫寄生在人体里引起的疾病 : 圖 一 = Development and spread of hookworm disease: poster one.
A history of the Dutch in the Far East
Hyma, Albert,author 1953
A royal request for trade : a letter of King James I to the Emperor of Japan
Wilson, David Harris,author 1958
A syllabus of the history of Chinese civilization and culture
Goodrich, L. Carrington(Luther Carrington),author 1950
A visita oficial do Presidente da Relação de Goa à Comarca de Macau
China and the Cross : a survey of missionary history
Cary-Elwes, Columba,author 1957
China coast family
Caldwell, John C. 1953
Chinese bondage in Peru : a history of the Chinese coolie in Peru,1849-1874
Stewart, Watt,author 1951
Chinese painting : leading masters and principles.
Sirén, Osvald,author 1958
Chinese painting : Leading masters and principles.
Sirén, Osvald,author 1958

Showing 1 to 10 of 49 results