
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Year
Flora Hongkongensis a description of the flowering plants and ferns of the Island of Hong Kong
Bentham, George, 1861
Geological researches in China, Mongolia, and Japan, during the years 1862 to 1865
Pumpelly, Raphael,author 1866
Histoire artistique, industrielle et commerciale de la porcelaine : accompagnee de recherches sur les sujets & emblèmes qui la décorent, les marques & inscriptions qui sont reconnaitre les fabriques d'où elle sort ...
Jacquemart, Albert,auteur 1861
Histoire de la Dynastie des Ming
Qianlong,auteur 1865
History of Chinese political thought during the early Tsin period by Qichao Liang
Liang, Chì-chào,author 1869
History of the Society of Jesus : from its foundation to the present time
Orliac, J. M. S.,author 1865
How we got to Pekin a narrative of the campaign in China of 1860
M'Ghee, Robert J. 1862
Japan and the Japanese
Hildreth, Richard,author 1860
Jesuit Convent, Macao
Heine, Peter Bernhard Wilhelm,author 1860
L'expédition de Chine : relation physique, topographique et médicale de la campagne de 1860 et 1861
Castano, F.,auteur 1864

Showing 41 to 50 of 147 results