
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Year
The Treaty of Nanking, signed August 29th, 1842 : and the supplementary treaty, signed October 8th, 1843 : in the Chinese and English languages.
The war in China : narrative of the Chinese expedition : from its formation in April, 1840, to the Treaty of Peace in August, 1842
McPherson, Duncan,author 1843
Three years's wanderings in the Northern provinces of China, including a visit to the tea, silk, and cotton countries with an account of the agriculture and horticulture of the Chinese, new plants, etc.
Fortune, Robert, 1847
Trade and travel in the Far East; or, Recollections of twenty-one years passed in Java, Singapore, Australia, and China
Davidson, G. F. 1846
Verzeichnifs der Chinesischen und Mandschu - Tungusischen Bücher und Handschriften der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin : eine Fortsetzung des im Jahre 1822 erschienenen Klaproth'schen Verzeichnisses
Schott, Wilhelm,autor 1840
意拾喻言 = Esop's Fables
Esope,author 1840

Showing 141 to 146 of 146 results