
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
論行政執法裁量正義的實現 : 以選擇性執法為視角 = Achievement of discretion justice of administrative enforcement : in perspective of selective enforcement check Full Text
賈軼聞 蔣朝陽 2015. Master
論醫療事故的法律性質 : 合同及非合同責任
徐秀玲 唐曉晴 2012. Master
陳嘉宜 趙國強 2008. Master
劉耀強 范劍虹 2002. Master
論在 "一國兩制" 實踐中加強 "一國" 方面的必要性 = On the necessity of strengthening "One State" in the practice of "One Country, Two Systems" check Full Text
史克 江華 2020. Master
論在仲裁程序中對 "超裁" 裁決的避免 = Study on avoiding of the arbitral tribunal ultra vires during the arbitral procedure check Full Text
朱依蒓 蘇建峰 2016. Master
論贈與合同的任意撤銷權 : 以我國現行《合同法》為視角 = Discussion on the revocation right at will of donation contract : from the angle of present Contract Law
王婉萍 唐曉晴 2010. Master
論占有保護 : 兼評 "中國民法典" 第 462 條 = On the protection of possession : comments on Art. 462 of the Civil Code of China check Full Text
勾健穎 唐曉晴 2021. Master
論占有的保護機制 check Full Text
張欣 稅兵 2016. Master
張巍 唐曉晴 2006. Master

Showing 341 to 350 of 954 results