
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Title Author Date arrow_drop_up Publish Info
Assimilation of Chinese migrant workers in Macau during the post handover era
Chan, U Wai No.52, pp. 116-130
Anderson, Michael D; Abdullahz, Yasir M; Gholstons, Sampson E; Jonesa, Steven L; 王曉曉;南瓊譯 總第32期, 第11卷第4期, 第63-69頁
一個真正的人:外交家、蘇聯駐廣州副領事A H哈西斯
B T達旗升, 建兵 總第73期, 第22卷第1期, 第188-193頁
Bassnett, Susan; 列鍵曦譯 總第50期, 第16卷第2期, 第175-182頁
Boer, Harry de撰; 張詠藍譯 總第51期, 第16卷第3期, 第171-179頁
Where English goes awry:a generative explanation
Cao, Xuexin 總第15期, Vol.7, No.3, pp. 100-105
How much innate knowledge is needed to get child language learners off the ground?:Connectionist models of morphology and syntax revisited
Cao, Xuexin 總第20期, Vol.8, No.4, pp. 151-161
An overview:design of analogue circuits using constraint programming
Cheong, Ngai 總第16期, Vol.7, No.4, pp. 70-75
Deca, Ligia; 岳英譯 總第45期, 第15卷第1期, 第55-64頁
Developing business through developing people - a successful employee training program of Pfizer
Feng, Danlong 總第23期, Vol.9, No.3, pp. 43-52

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