
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
龐嘉穎, 駱偉建 2006. Master
憲法第三人效力之淺析 = The analysis of the third person effect of constitution check Full Text
嚴威 駱偉建 2017. Master
消費者群體損害賠償糾紛的類型化分析 = An analysis of the types of consumer group compensation disputes check Full Text
張悅 王薇 2020. Master
消費者團體訴訟制度研究 : 以我國消費者團體訴訟制度構建為視角 = Research on consumer group litigation system based on the construction of the lawsuit system of consumer groups in Mainland China check Full Text
潘柯丞 王薇 2018. Master
小額貸款公司法律監管問題及其對策研究 = A study on the problems of legal supervision and solutions for small-loan companies check Full Text
陳德鋒 Mo Shijian 2015. Master
小額貸款公司法律監管制度研究 = The research on the supervision system of small loan company check Full Text
鄭媛媛 稅兵 2016. Master
刑事調解制度研究 = Study on victim-offender mediation check Full Text
歐陽湘 汪超 2015. Master
刑事歸責年齡立法制度之研究 = A research on the criminal age legislation check Full Text
李結儀 趙國強 2020. Master
刑事鑑定證據證明力研究 : 以醫療鑑定為視角 = A study on the effect of expert evidence of criminal procedure : from the perspective of medical expert evidence check Full Text
陳靜靜 李哲 2020. Master
刑事一體化視角下實現精準的刑事政策與刑法適用 : 以涉新冠肺炎疫情犯罪為例 = Achieve precise criminal policy and criminal justice from the perspective of criminal integration : taking crimes related to COVID-19 as an example check Full Text
陶德陽 李哲 2022. Master

Showing 461 to 470 of 954 results