
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
我國非婚女性生育權完整性保護 : 從自然法思想角度論述 = Integrity protection of unmarried female reproductive rights in China : from the perspective of natural law check Full Text
谷暢 唐曉晴 2016. Master
我國負面清單管理模式的國際經驗借鑒研究 = The study of optimizing administrative mode about negative list of China by taking international experience for reference check Full Text
張穎 范劍虹 2016. Master
我國互聯網中公民隱私權的刑法保護研究 = Research on criminal protection of citizen's right of privacy in internet in China check Full Text
馬冠超 趙國強 2017. Master
我國環境公益訴訟制度的若干問題研究 = Research on some problems of environmental public interest litigation systems in China check Full Text
關暢 范劍虹 2018. Master
我國環境行政執法與刑事司法銜接機制的程序研究 = A study on the procedure of environmental administrative law enforcement and criminal justice in China check Full Text
謝遠軍 李哲 2017. Master
我國檢察機關提起消費者公益訴訟研究 = Study on the prosecution of consumers' public interest litigation by procuratorial organ in China check Full Text
汪文佳 王薇 2018. Master
我國內地數字版權保護中區塊鏈技術的應用研究 = Research on the application of blockchain technology in digital rights protection check Full Text
付鵬飛 稅兵 2020. Master
我國內地循環經濟法律制度建設問題探討 = Research of the building in mainland China's circular economy legal system
張駿傑 范劍虹 2014. Master
我國破產管理人制度的完善 = The improvement of bankruptcy administrator system in China check Full Text
張珺 范劍虹 2017. Master
我國商事仲裁司法監督制度的現狀及完善 = The status and improvement of the judicial supervision system of commercial arbitration in China check Full Text
魏富海 Mo Shijian 2014. Master

Showing 441 to 450 of 954 results