
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
"網絡預約出租汽車經營服務管理暫行辦法" 及其地方實施細則的行政法評析 = A critique of "Interim Measures for the Management of Network Reserved Taxis" and local implementation regulations from the perspective of administrative law check Full Text
吳錚遠 翟小波 2017. Master
"文心雕龍. 風骨" 風詩思想研究 : 以孔子詩教思想為核心 = A study on Feng poems thought in "Wind" and "Bone" of The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons : with Kong Zi's poetic teaching thought as the core check Full Text
王獻玥 鄧國光 2017. Master
"西蜀方言" 的親屬稱謂語研究 = A Study on the Kinship terms in Western Mandarin check Full Text
方雅琴 王銘宇 2018. Master
"現代漢語詞典" (第6版) 量詞的收條與釋義 = Study of the entries and the definitions of quantifiers in Modern Chinese Dictionary (6th edition) check Full Text
劉午嬌 王銘宇 2015. Master
"現代漢語詞典" (第6版) 三字詞與三字語研究 = A Study on the three-character words and three-character phrases in Modern Chinese Dictionary (the 6th Edition) check Full Text
胡偉中 王銘宇 2015. Master
"現代漢語詞典" 與 "新編國語日報辭典" 收條及釋義的對比研究 : 以顏色詞為例 = A comparative study on world-collection and interpretation between Modern Chinese Dictionary and New Version Mandarin Daily Dictionary : a case study of color words check Full Text
劉曉楠 王銘宇 2015. Master
"新序"文體研究 = A study of literary style of Xin Xu
羅璇 鄧駿捷 2011. Master
"醒世姻緣傳" 稱謂語研究 = The research on the appellation of "Xingshi Yinyuan Zhuan"
王萌 張聯榮 2006. Master
"一次" 在動詞性結構前的表義功能及影響因素 check Full Text
李家豪 徐杰 2011. Master
"一帶一路" 和大數據背景下的標準中文立法和翻譯規範的建立 = The legislation in standard Chinese and establishment of translation norms under the background of "The Belt and Road" and big data check Full Text
吳嘉玲 魏丹 2020. Master

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