
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
國有土地上房屋徵收補償實質公平研究 = State-owned land on the housing levy compensation essence fair research check Full Text
白波 蔣朝陽 2017. Master
過程-體裁教學法下的高中語文議論文寫作教學個案研究 check Full Text
段昕言 王志勝 2022. Master
海邊新街漁港風情再現的可行性研究 = Feasibility study on the fishing port scene reconstruction on the Seaside New Street check Full Text
林珺婷 刑榮發 2020. Master
海德格爾哲學視域下穆旦"非詩意"概念的探究 = An inquiry into Mu Dan's "unpoetic" concept within the horizon of Heidegger's philosophy
李彥序 龔剛 2024. Master
海口話核心詞研究 = Study on the core vocabulary items in Haikou dialect check Full Text
吳艷 王銘宇 2020. Master
海南省高爾夫專業學生學習動機與學習滿意之研究 check Full Text
王獻飛 何敬恩 2015. Master
海峽兩岸暨港澳地區初中科學課程標準中學習目標的分析與比較 : 基於布盧姆教育目標分類學 / an analysis based on revised Bloom's taxonomy / Ou YiTong. check Full Text
區倚彤 魏冰 2018. Master
海宴話語音研究 = A phonological study on Haiyan dialect
李雁秀 侍建國 2012. Master
海洋環境污染犯罪刑法規制問題研究 : 以渤海環境污染為視角 = A study on criminal regulation of marine environmental pollution : from the perspective of environmental pollution in Bohai Sea check Full Text
劉卓 趙國強 2018. Master
海洋油污污染生態損害的社會化填補 = The social compensation mechanism on ecological damage of marine oil pollution check Full Text
朱青 稅兵 2017. Master

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