UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
- English Abstract
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Since becoming an independent nation, Singapore has developed rapidly, achieving great success in social, political and economic domain. But there arise an unexpectedly serious social problem--teenage drug abuse. This thesis attempts to study the issue by first looking at the historical background of the the nation, progress of the society contradictions in the family-consciousness, anti-social behavior, family break-ups. In general, most of the teenage drug abuser come single-parent families, broken homes, problem families and single-parent families. The onslaught of western culture has weakened the family-consciousness of young people in Singapore, causing them to developed westernized individualistic attitude which leads to active pursue of individual's freedom' and 'freeing of the soul', resulting in their indifferent to society . This has aggravated the serious problem of drug-abuse. The main effort of the final two chapters in this thesis is to analysis the man-made obstacles to the rehabilitation of the drug-abuser and their returning to society. The castles include pressure from self ,pressure from family, pressure from society .Under these pressures, many drug abuser who once determined to rejoin society found themselves go back on to the deadly path instead. Finally, the thesis emphasizes that the basis for rehabilitation of drug-abusers lies in a change in society's attitude, this includes changing the traditional concept of the Chinese, promote Chinese traditional family values, re-educate the society, so that the society could rebuild it's confidence in the drug abusers and assist these to make a comeback.
- Chinese Abstract
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自新加坡独立后,社会高速的发展,政治与经济的领域上都取得骄人的成绩,这是新加坡的一大成就。然而在社会秩序上,却出现了意想不到的严重社会问题—青少年吸毒的社会问题。 本论文就是根据新加坡的历史背景;新一代青少年的社会观和家庭意识,在社会发展过程中,产生了矛盾,导致青少年出现反社会的意识;家庭结构上出现了分裂,也是造成青少年走上歧途的一个重要因素。 从吸毒青少年的整体上分析,走上吸毒之路的青少年,他们大多数是来自一个不幸的家庭,诸如分裂家庭、问题家庭、新加坡特有的单亲家庭等。另一方面,在整体的经济利益上,西方文化大肆冲击,使到新加坡新一代青少年的家庭意识日益淡薄,建立起西方的个人自由主义,对社会并不十分的关心,积极的追求个人的“自由”和“精神”上的解脱。然而,在这个发展过程中,却使到原本已经是非常严重的吸毒问题,变本加厉。 本论文的最后两章则着重分析吸毒者的改造与吸毒者重社会的各种人为障碍。诸如自我压力,社会压力与家庭压力,使到真正有决心重返社会的戒毒者,面对社会的层层压力,导至他们走回吸毒的死亡之路上。 最后,本论文强调改造吸毒的根本方法是先改造社会,这包括了改变华人的传统观念,发扬华人的传统家庭组织结构。对社会进行教育,使社会人士对戒毒者重新建立信心,协助戒毒者重返社会。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
- Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Sociology
- Degree
- Subject
Youth -- Drug use -- Singapore
青少年 -- 藥物使用; 吸毒 -- 新加坡
Chinese -- Singapore
華人 -- 新加坡
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000171509706306