
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Date Publish Info
Pap smear survey in Macau
Lok, Mei Kun; Chau, Chi Hong; Chan, Im Kuan; Tse, See Fai Vol.6, No.2, pp. 93-96
Parting is such sweet sorrow
春合 第48期, 第36頁
Parting is such sweet sorrow(2)
春合 第49期, 第36頁
顏海娜;楊雪娟 總第106期, 第27卷第4期, 第723-741頁
Passions and betrayals: a postcolonial re-reading of TE Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom: a triumph
Mao, Sihui 總第9期, 第1期, pp. 123-139
Pathogen occurrence and antimicroial susceptibility patterns among urinary tract infection isolates of Macau adult patients
Koon, Kin Veng; Lam, Cheok Meng; Lei, Chi Hang Vol.3, No.3, pp. 149-151
Paul Tillich and the courage to be in the time of Covid
Jamnik, Anton No. 9, pp. 54-63
Paying the price: lessons from the Volkswagen emissions scandal for moral leadership
Becker, Gerhold K. No. 1, pp. 15-28
Performance evaluation for trust firms reorganizing into commercial banks in Taiwan
Ho, Chien-Ta; Wang, Yu-Chung Vol.14, No.2, pp. 113-134
Performance evaluative style, size of companies and the budget-related behaviors
Yuen, Desmond; Dioko, Don No.12, pp. 85-95

Showing 3431 to 3440 of 57238 results