
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Journal Name: 中西文化研究(停刊)

Holdings: no.1 (Jun 2002) - no.19/20 (Jun 2011)

Title Author arrow_drop_up Journal Name Date
Disney animated bodies: philosophizing patriarchal gender
Peng, Baoliang 中西文化研究(停刊) Jun. 2010
Representing colored friends in friends: a postcolonial feminist perspective
Peng, Qigui 中西文化研究(停刊) Jun. 2010
St Paul's college as a symbol of the three encounters between East and West
Pinheiro, Francisco Vizeu 中西文化研究(停刊) Dec. 2002
The image of Macau in Tudor England: Richard Hakluy's navigations (1589-1600)
Puga, Rogério Miguel 中西文化研究(停刊) Dec. 2006
Interpreting Macau through the journals of Harriett Low and Rebecca Chase Kinsman
Puga, Rogério Miguel 中西文化研究(停刊) Jun. 2008
The Camoes ‘Cave’ in 19th-Century Anglophone Travel Writing
Puga, Rogério Miguel 中西文化研究(停刊) Dec. 2011
Qian, Wanyue 中西文化研究(停刊) 2011年12月
The Adventures of Willson Avery and the Limits of Cultural Relativism: The Forgotten Record of the Travels of Lucy Hiller Lambert Cleveland to the East Indies and Timo
Shaw, Damian 中西文化研究(停刊) Dec. 2011
Introducing a western scientific work to China: Xu Guangqi and Matteo Ricci's translation of the elements of Geometry
Wu, Zhiwei 中西文化研究(停刊) Jun. 2008
Culture in the context of globalization: a sociological interpretation
Xia, Guang 中西文化研究(停刊) Dec. 2007

Showing 21 to 30 of 309 results