
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Journal Name: 鏡湖醫學

Holdings: no.15 (May 2002) - no.37 (Dec 2017), no.39 (Dec 2018) - no.45 (Dec 2021)

Title Author arrow_drop_up Journal Name Date
Connective tissue disease-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension
Pun, Man Ieng;Choi, Kun Cheong;Mok, Toi Meng 鏡湖醫學 2013年6月
Radiotherapy for brain metastases
Qiu, Xi Bin; Xiao, Guang Li; Tsao, Shui Ying 鏡湖醫學 Oct. 2007
Shrestha, Satish; 胡峰, 陳泰業, 鄭巍, 關永為, 曾紀寧, 葉蔭庭 鏡湖醫學 2019年12月
Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma in a vein wall: Case report and review of the literature
Sin, Lai Fong;Dong, Shu Kun;Xiao, Gang;Yip, Yuk Ching;Wen, Jian Ming 鏡湖醫學 2014年6月
Early surgical intervention for vibrio vulnificus related hand cellulitis
Tong, Sut Sin;Lio, Io Hang;Hao, Chou Kuan;Fong, Chun Wa;Fang, Feng Jun;Bento, Manuel 鏡湖醫學 2021年6月
Preliminary findings of astigmatism and high order aberrations in children after cataract surgery
Un, Sok Man;Ho, chiun Hou 鏡湖醫學 2020年6月
Fine needle aspiration cytology of pseudosarcomatous reactive proliferative lesions of soft tissue
Wong, Nim Lai 鏡湖醫學 May. 2002
Leptospirosis presenting in acute kidney injury:a case report
Wong, Wai Weng;Xiao, Hong;Jenqchang, Chyi 鏡湖醫學 2021年6月
Primary localized amyloidosis of the sublingual gland: MR findings
Wu, Ling;Chu, Jian Ping;Yang, Zhi Yun;Zheng, Ke Guo 鏡湖醫學 2013年6月
Lymphocytic colitis in an adolescent with persistent diarrhea-a case report
Yeung, Mei Na;Lai, Ming Wei 鏡湖醫學 2020年12月

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