Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)
Ancient poetic cliff inscriptions in Macao (澳門古代摩崖石刻詩詞)
Digital Humanities - St. Paul's area (數字人文-大三巴片區)
Financial Statements of Macau Limited Companies (澳門股份有限公司財務報表)
Macau Economic Data (澳門經濟數據)
Macau Music Database (澳門音樂人資料庫)
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)
UM Digital Museum (澳大數字博物館)
UM Videos Database (澳大視頻)
Index of Macau News Clippings (澳門報章新聞剪報索引)
Index of XueHai Section of Macau Daily (澳門日報學海版標題索引)
List of UM Undergraduate Students Report (澳門大學學生報告目錄)
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
Audiobook Corner (有聲書坊)
Culture Sharing Project (文化共享工程)
Manuscript Corner (手稿坊)
BOYA Book Launch (博雅新書發佈)
BOYA Exhibition (博雅展覽)
BOYA Talk (博雅講座)
Luís de Camões
Exhibition of books on Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humans (人工智能與人類未來)
Exhibition of Master Hsing Yun's Works (2023/02/08-2023/03/08) (星雲大師著作特展)
Job Hunting, Interview and Career Development (求職、面試與職業發展)