
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
"一帶一路" 和大數據背景下的標準中文立法和翻譯規範的建立 = The legislation in standard Chinese and establishment of translation norms under the background of "The Belt and Road" and big data check Full Text
吳嘉玲 魏丹 2020. Master
澳門競爭制度研究 : 從經濟體特徵角度分析 = The study on competition system of Macao : an analysis from the perspective of economic characteristics check Full Text
李傑 魏丹 2015. Master
分享經濟背景下的勞動關係認定和網約工權益保護 : 由巴西 "優步案" 引發的思考 = The recognition of labor relations and the protection of gig workers under the background of sharing economy : reflections on the Brazilian Uber case check Full Text
虞洋 魏丹 2019. Master
共享單車相關法律問題淺析 = Analysis on legal issues related to sharing bicycles check Full Text
張凱 魏丹 2019. Master
國際商事仲裁中第三方資助的研究 = Research on third-party funding in international commercial arbitration check Full Text
楊舒淇 魏丹 2018. Master
論電子化一般合同條款的控制模式 = A study about control modes of general contract clauses in the E-contract
戎奇 魏丹 2012. Master
論全球化市場下互聯網行業反壟斷法發展 : 以歐盟訴谷歌案為視角 = The research on development of antitrust law in the internet area under the global market : from the perspective of the EU v. Google case check Full Text
隋經緯 魏丹 2019. Master
論中國法域下 ICO 的定性及其制度化構建 = The study on the nature of ICO and its systematization under Chinese law check Full Text
盧聖暉 魏丹 2021. Master
雙邊投資協定中保護傘條款的解釋適用之探折 : 兼論ICSID相關仲裁案例 = Reviewing the interpretation and application of umbrella clause in Bilatreral Investment Treaties : on the ICSID-related arbitration cases
吳思靜 魏丹 2010. Master
我國對外貿易中的技術性貿易措施 : 以中醫藥出口遭遇的技術性貿易措施為例 = The technical measures to trade in international trade : especially on the export of traditional Chinese medicine
熊暢 魏丹 2012. Master

Showing 1 to 10 of 35 results