
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
粵港澳大灣區背景下的三地代理法比較研究 : A comparative study of the three-regin[i.e. three-region] agency law in the background of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area check Full Text
崔夢雅 范劍虹 2020. Master
粵港澳大灣區出入境相關法律問題研究 = Study on the legal issues related to entry and exit of the Greater Bay Area check Full Text
陳明 駱偉建 2019. Master
粵港澳大灣區區域立法模式研究 = Study on the regional legislative model of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area check Full Text
常露曦 江華 2020. Master
粵港澳大灣區人口管理法律制度研究 : 以港澳居民身份與內地居民身份的衝突為視角 = Study on the legal system of population management in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao : from the perspective of the conflict between the resident status of Hong Kong and Macao and the residence status of mainland China check Full Text
鍾靈 江華 2021. Master
在澳門引進新型刑事強制措施 : 監視居住的探討 = Discussion on introducing a new criminal mandatory measure go Macau : residential surveillance check Full Text
翁怡婷 李哲 2021. Master
在比較法基礎上 : 探討中國集團訴訟制度原告資格問題 = The plaintiff qualification of class action in Chinese litigation : on the basis of comparative law check Full Text
黃競天 Wang, Wei 2016. Master
趙奕 駱偉建 2008. Master
在線糾紛解決機制 (ODR) 在消費者權益保障中的應用 = The application of online dispute resolution (ODR) in consumer interest protection check Full Text
趙星 Wang, Wei 2017. Master
噪聲污染防治法律制度比較研究 = Comparative research on the legal problem of noise pollution prevention check Full Text
史偉亮 王薇 2019. Master
宅基地使用權流轉制度的法律分析 = The analysis of circulation of right to use house sites check Full Text
陳少梅 稅兵 2016. Master

Showing 491 to 500 of 954 results