
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
澳門民法典 "合營組織" 與 "社團" 之內涵重構 : 以法律翻譯, 法律移植及法律本土化為視角 = Reconstruction of connotation of "Jointly-Owned Organization" and "Association" in Civil Code of Macao : from the perspectives of legal translation, legal transplantation and localization of law check Full Text
姜剛風 蘇建峰 2017. Master
澳門民法典的瑕疵意思錯誤與聯合國國際法委員會規則之關係 check Full Text
Ling Lee, Celina 唐曉晴 2022. Master
澳門民事訴訟傳喚及通知制度研究 = Research on the subpoena and notification system of civil litigation in Macao check Full Text
李俊永 錢釗強 2022. Master
澳門民事證據能力的"三性說"構建 = Constructing a "Doctrine of Three Attributes" for Macao's civil evidence capacity check Full Text
林華傑 梁靜姮 2022. Master
澳門民事執行制度的檢討與完善 : 以執行權配置為視角 = Review and improvement of Macao's civil enforcement procedure : from the perspective of allocation of civil enforcement power check Full Text
施書賢 王薇 2018. Master
澳門破產法律制度的檢討與完善 : 歷史與功能比較的視角 = The review and improvement of Macau bankruptcy law : a historical and functional comparative study check Full Text
馬哲 唐曉晴 2016. Master
澳門葡漢法律翻譯的困難及演變 : 論功能目的論的應用 = Difficulties and evolution of Macau Portuguese-Chinese legal translation : a study on the applicability of Skopos theory check Full Text
賈添夏 蘇建峰 2020. Master
澳門青少年犯罪探析 = Macao youth crime analysis
尹樂 趙國強 2012. Master
澳門社會保障制度實施中的問題研究 : 探討社會保險供款制度 check Full Text
何嘉莉 蔣朝陽 2016. Master
澳門社團監管法律制度問題研究 = The study of supervision legal system of association of Macau check Full Text
吳素貞 蔣朝陽 2021. Master

Showing 41 to 50 of 954 results