
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
試論我國代孕子女監護權的歸屬 : 以我國首例代孕子女監護權糾紛案件為例 check Full Text
孟歌 稅兵 2020. Master
試論信息中介參與互聯網治理的權力依據 = The basis power for information intermediary to participate in Internet governance check Full Text
李冬 翟小波 2019. Master
試論醫方的告知說明義務 = Talk about the obligations to inform the patients
溫靜 唐曉晴 2009. Master
趙占全 趙國強 2004. Master
收養制度的現代立法理念及我國及收養成立的實質要件 = The concept of the modern legislation concerning the adoption system and the substance elements in China's adoption rules
李川川 唐曉晴 2009. Master
艾林芝, 唐曉晴 2008. Master
雙邊投資協定中保護傘條款的解釋適用之探折 : 兼論ICSID相關仲裁案例 = Reviewing the interpretation and application of umbrella clause in Bilatreral Investment Treaties : on the ICSID-related arbitration cases
吳思靜 魏丹 2010. Master
私募股權投資中對賭協議的法律研究 = The research of valuation adjustment mechanism in privete equity check Full Text
鄧曉媛 范劍虹 2018. Master
訴權視角下刑事被害人的權利保障 = The protection of criminal victim's rights in perspective of right of action check Full Text
趙文靜 李哲 2015. Master
探索臨時仲裁制度在中國的構建與發展 : 以中國自貿區仲裁制度變革為視角 = Research on establishment and development of ad hoc arbitration in China : from the perspective of arbitration system reform in China's pilot free trade area check Full Text
徐威 杜立 2019. Master

Showing 401 to 410 of 954 results