
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
人格權上經濟價值的保護制度研究 : 以中, 美, 德法律比較為視角 = Research on the protection system of economic value in personality right : from the perspective of comparison between Chinese law, American law and German law check Full Text
張秋怡 范劍虹 2018. Master
人工智能時代的刑事風險和刑法應對 = Challenges and countermeasures : criminal issues in the era of artificial intelligence check Full Text
孫晨 趙國強 2020. Master
人壽保險合同中保險人的明確說明義務研究 = Reseraching [sic] specify obligation of insurer under life insurance contract check Full Text
林霖 稅兵 2020. Master
三法域刑事管轄權衝突問題研究 : 以內地, 香港及澳門的逃犯移交問題為視角 = Research on the conflict of criminal jurisdiction between the three law systems : from the perspective of problem of the surrender of fugitive offenders in the China, Hong Kong and Macau check Full Text
周文傑 趙國強 2021. Master
商業化基因檢測隱私保護的現狀反思與規範路徑重構 = Rethinking and reconstructing the privacy protection in direct-to-consumer genetic testing check Full Text
帥雨函 杜立 2020. Master
涉非法集資罪的民間借貸合同效力問題研究 = The study of the validity of the contract in illegal fund-raising cases check Full Text
葉正蔚 稅兵 2019. Master
視頻聚合平台著作權侵權問題研究 = Research on the copyright infringement of video aggregation platforms check Full Text
劉丹婷 稅兵 2019. Master
試構建澳門刑事新型強制措施 : 以刑事監視居住的制度出發 = On the construction of a new type of criminal mandatory measure in Macao- based on criminal residential surveillance system check Full Text
陳瑞文 鄭成昌 2017. Master
試論澳門刑事訴訟程序中之缺席審判制度 = A study on the system of trial in absentia in Macao criminal procedure check Full Text
鍾淑芳 李哲 2016. Master
試論浮動抵押與其他擔保權利的受償順序 = The priority of floating charge and other types of security interest
何夢菲 唐曉晴 2010. Master

Showing 391 to 400 of 954 results