
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
論廉政公署與檢察院偵查與控訴階段的權限衝突 = Analysis on conflicts of competence between CCAC and the Public Prosecutions Office in the investigating and accusation stage check Full Text
高穎章 邱庭彪 2015. Master
論兩岸三地的冒名著作之權利侵害 = The study on the infringement of rights for false attribution in mainland China, Taiwan and Macau check Full Text
陳雅琳 稅兵 2017. Master
論民事取得時效對澳門境內土地之適用 = A study of the applicability of usucaption to the land within Macao check Full Text
陸惠婷 汪超 2015. Master
論民事訴訟中的資產凍結 : 以澳門假扣押及查封的法律制度為中心 = Discussion on asset freeze in civil actions : based on the legal regime of distraint and attachment in Macau check Full Text
鮑衍亨 邱庭彪 2015. Master
論農民工隨遷子女受教育權的平等保障 = Study of the equal protection of the education right for migrant workers' children check Full Text
王敏 蔣朝陽 2015. Master
論葡萄牙新行政訴訟法的特點與動向 = The characters and tendency of the new administrative litigation law of Portugal check Full Text
金哲楠 蔣朝陽 2017. Master
論企業商業秘密權與自由擇業權的衝突與平衡 : 以競業禁止為研究視角 = A discussion on the conflicts and balances between the right of the commercial secrets and the right of freedom in choosing a job : based on the "non compete aggrement" check Full Text
張雯吉 范劍虹 2018. Master
論企業數據權利的私法保護模式 = Research on the private law protection mode of enterprise data rights check Full Text
張飄玉 何慶文 2021. Master
梁靜姮 唐曉晴 2008. Master
論情勢變更的適用要件 = Application of the requirements of the principle of the change cricumstances check Full Text
黃會 稅兵 2017. Master

Showing 301 to 310 of 954 results