
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)


Title arrow_drop_up Author Year
"Barrow's travels in China" : and investigation into the origin and authenticity of the "facts and observations" related in a work entitled "travels in China, by John Barrow, F.R.S." (afterwards Sir J. Barrow, Bart.) : preceded by a preliminary inquiry into the nature of the "powerful motive"of the same author, and its influence on his duties at the Chinese capital, as comptroller to the British Embassy, in 1793
Barrow, John,author 1861
Barrow's Travels in China an investigation into the origin and authenticity of the "facts and observations" related in a work entitled "Travels in China, by John Barrow, F.R.S." (afterwards Sir J. Barrow Bart.) : proceded by a preliminary inquiry into the nature of the "powerful motive" of the same author, and its influence on his duties at the Chinese capital, as comptroller to the British Embassy, in 1793
Proudfoot, William Jardine 1861
Barry-Hayes Papers, 1723-1875
Forty years in South China : the life of Rev. John Van Nest Talmage, D.D.
Fagg, John Gerardus,author 1894
Griffith John, founder of the Hankow Mission, central China
Robson, William,author 1888
James Gilmour and John Horden : the story of their lives
Bryson, Mary Isabella,author 1895
John Kenneth Mackenzie, medical missionary to China
Bryson, Mary Isabella, 1891
John Thomson : photojournalist in Asia, 1862-1872
Parker, Elliott S.,author 1977
Juizes e mais officiaes do Senado da Camara da cidade de Macáo : Eu o Principe Regente vos envio muito saudar : Sendo-me presente os bons serviços, que me tendes feito não só em mandar a este porto hum navio ...
Johnautor 1810
Missa celebrada e solene Te-Deum no dia da Coroação do novo Sumo Pontífice, o Papa João Paulo I : na Sé Catedral de Macau, às 17:30 horas do dia 3 de Setembro de 1978 = 澳門教區 : 慶祝教宗若望保祿一世加冕感恩 共祭典禮 : 一九七八年九月三日下午五時半澳 門主教座堂.

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