
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Iu, Alice
Sustainability in urban environment
Journal Name
Pub. Info
2020年10月, 第33期, pp. 18-21
Paragraph Headings: 1. Definition 2. Origins 3. Background context 4. Circular economy farmework 4.1. Regenerate 4.2. Share 4.3. Optimise 4.4. Loop 4.5. Virtualse 4.6. Exchange 5. Circular economy top-down strategies 5.1. Knowledge development 5.2. Collaborative platforms 5.3. Business support schemes 5.4. Regulatory frameworks 5.5. Procurement & Infrastructure 5.6. Fiscal frameworks 6. Methodology implemented by different cities 6.1. Amsterdam 6.2. Glasgow 6.3. Rotterdam 6.4. Haarlemmermeer 6.5. The hague 6.6. Barcelona Figures: 1. WRAP and circular economy (WRAP 2019) 2. Japanese Eco-cities diagram (UCL Circular Cities Hub,2016) 3. The circular city, adapted from the ReSOLVE framework (Prendeville et al ,2018)