
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

La Robertie, Catherine Sarlandie De
The link between municipal policy and consumer satisfaction: Illustrations of the international policy of towns
Journal Name
Euro Asia Journal of Management
Pub. Info
Jan. 1998, No.15, pp. 37-56
Paragraph Headings: 1. Introduction 2. Valuation of public policy 2.1. Specificity of public goods an the identification of benefits attached to their provision 2.1.1. Originality of public goods 2.1.2. The difference types of benefits 2.2. The different methods for measuring benefits 2.2.1. Methods depending on physical relationships 2.2.2. Methods based on behaviour 3. The methodological principles of the CV method 3.1. The choice of survey type 3.2. The choice of technique for revealing the WTP 3.2.1. Effectuated with only one question 3.2.2. Effectuated with a series of iterative questions 4. An experimental case: International policy for the city of rennes 4.1. General framework for the study 4.2. The method of investigation 4.2.1. The questionaire was divided into three parts: 4.3. Results and commentaries 4.3.1. Acceptable level for the increase in dwelling -tax 4.3.2. Acceptable level for the "Short-stay tax" 4.3.3. Acceotable level of membership fees to the MRI 5. Conclusion Tables: 1. Types and categpries of benefits 2. Distriction od behaviours between a real market and a hypothetical market