
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Title Author Date arrow_drop_up Publish Info
Redefining the concept of organization: public service reform in the globalized world and its implications for Macau
Lei, Wei No.43, pp. 45-50
Reviewing current studies of long-term care in Chinese communities and the implications for Macau aging society
Lin, Wei No.39, pp. 104-110
A review on navegacoes Chinesas no seculo XV Realidade e Ficcao
Ptak, Roderich No.40, pp. 172-174
The obstacles for introduction of responsible gambling policy: a case study of Hong Kong and Singapore
So, Hang Tai No.42, pp. 80-89
No longer an entertainment: social cost of problem gambling in Hong Kong
So, Hang Tai; Kwok, Ngai Kuen No.41, pp. 95-103
余來文 總第26期, 第10卷第2期, 第48-55頁
劉亞珍 總第27期, 第10卷第3期, 第141-149頁
大眾傳播時代的多元化傳播格局 :傳播學視野下的手機媒體影響力分析
劉君 總第27期, 第10卷第3期, 第57-65頁
作文 第24期, 第1-11頁
劉本立 第23期, 第1-7頁

Showing 61 to 70 of 3160 results