
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Journal Name: 中西文化研究(停刊)

Holdings: no.1 (Jun 2002) - no.19/20 (Jun 2011)

Title Author arrow_drop_up Journal Name Date
中西文化研究(停刊) 2003年12月
黄政澄 中西文化研究(停刊) 2002年6月
黄啟臣 中西文化研究(停刊) 2002年6月
Modernization Process in Mainland China, Taiwan and Japan: Some Comparative Perspectives
Chang, Paomin 中西文化研究(停刊) 01/12/2003 00:00:00
Traditional values versus modern society: Rethinking about the Chinese heritage
Chang, Paomin 中西文化研究(停刊) Jun. 2005
Articulating tactics of discursive humor: a case study of Zhao Benshan's two comic sketches
Chen, Kaiju 中西文化研究(停刊) Jun. 2010
This beautiful, friendly, and materialistic country: the image of America in Liu Zongren's two years in the melting pot
Cholakova, Rumyana 中西文化研究(停刊) Jun. 2011
Macao, a Unique city of Charm: Jonathan Porter's Macao: the Imaginary City, Culture and Society, 1557 to the Present
Chun, Jiang 中西文化研究(停刊) Dec. 2011
Leadership wisdom of the I Ching
Davis, Adrian John 中西文化研究(停刊) Jun. 2010
Simulating the other: a semiotic study of female representation in American magazine advertising
Ding, Shaoyan 中西文化研究(停刊) Jun. 2010

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