
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Journal Name: Euro Asia Journal of Management

Holdings: no.1 (Jul 1991) - no.26 (Dec 2003), no.28 (Dec 2004) - no.44 (Dec 2015)

Title Author Journal Name Date arrow_drop_down
The economic regions in the context of the large economic blocs
Constâncio, Victor Euro Asia Journal of Management Aug. 1992
ASEAN investment climate and investment risk: The multi-dimensional scaling approach
Hartono, OP ; Ramasamy, B Euro Asia Journal of Management Aug. 1992
External relations of the community
Moura, Teresa Euro Asia Journal of Management Aug. 1992
The convergence or divergence of management theory and practice
Weinrich, John E Euro Asia Journal of Management Aug. 1992
Accuracy of financial analysts' forecasts of earnings per share: The Hong Kong experience
Fan, Dennis K K ; Terpstra, Robert H Euro Asia Journal of Management Apr. 1997
A note on the efficient market hypothesis
Lam, Keith SK Euro Asia Journal of Management Apr. 1997
Dose the spread between fixed and adjustable mortgage rates predict changes in the one year T-Bill rate?
Ponarul, Richard; Scott, Robert Haney Euro Asia Journal of Management Apr. 1997
Intellectual property rights: Histroy, analysisi and proposals
Scott, Robert H; Terpstra, Robert H Euro Asia Journal of Management Apr. 1997
Ex-dividend price behavior: The Hong Kong experience
Terpstra, Robert H; Lam, Keith SK Euro Asia Journal of Management Apr. 1997

Showing 241 to 249 of 249 results