
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Hartono, OP ; Ramasamy, B
ASEAN investment climate and investment risk: The multi-dimensional scaling approach
Journal Name
Euro Asia Journal of Management
Pub. Info
Aug. 1992, No.3, pp. 25-40
Paragraph Headings: 1. Part Ⅰ 1.1. Investment and economic growth 1.2. ASEAN's investment climate 1.3. Singapore 1.4. Malaysia 1.5. Thailand 1.6. Indonesia 1.7. Philippines 2. Part Ⅱ 2.1. The multidimensional approach 2.2. Data 2.3. Methodology 3. Part Ⅲ 3.1. Analysisi of Results 4. Conclusion Tables: 1. ASEAN investment ranking 2. ASEAN investment climate 3. ASEAN investment risk Figures: 1. FDI flows to developing counrties: Refinoal trends 1980-1989 2. The principal destinationals of FDI flows 3. The principlesources of direct investment, 1980-1989 4. Plot of subjects in dimensions 1 and 2 5. Plot of stimulus points in dimensions 1 and 2 6. Plot of stimuli and subjects in dimensions 1 and 2 7. Plot of stimuli and subjects in dimensions 1 and 2