
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


MFE 000Early Childhood Education and Human Development (SAMPLE) 民辦幼兒園園長的課程領導之個案研究

English Abstract

Abstract This study is a case study in a private kindergarten in Zhuhai, which is designed to investigate the idea and strategy of principal’s curriculum leadership in the context of curriculum development. The purposes of this study are to understand the idea of the case principal’s curriculum leadership, and to explore the strategy implemented in the process of the leader’s curriculum leadership. This study used a qualitative case study method, and the data were gathered through semi-structured interviews, non-participatory observations and documents analysis. The results of this study are as follows: First, the core idea of case principal's curriculum leadership is "human-centered" and constructivist curriculum view. In the process of the preschool-based curriculum leadership, the chief idea of the director is "human-centered". This concept is applied to children, teachers and parents, and will lead to specific views on children, teachers and parents. Under the influence of these ideas, the director also holds a dynamic curriculum view based on constructivism. Secondly, the curriculum leadership strategy of the director is situational, and different strategies are adopted to different task. The specific strategy adopted by the head of the kindergarten is different when it carries out different tasks such as shaping the vision and goals, guiding the development of the curriculum, building a professional curriculum leadership team, and providing a diverse support environment. Finally, combining the relevant theories and research conclusions, the researcher put forward some suggestions, including suggestions for kindergarten directors, suggestions for curriculum development, and suggestions for future research. Keywords: private kindergarten, kindergarten principals, curriculum leadership,.

Chinese Abstract

中文摘要 本研究是以珠海市某民辦幼兒園作為研究對象的個案研究,旨在探討課程開發與實踐背景之下,園長的課程領導理念與策略。本研究的研究目的為了解個案園長在課程領導方面所秉持的理念,同時探究個案園長在課程領導過程中所實施的策略。 本研究採用了質性的個案研究法,資料來源包括半結構式訪談、非參與式觀察和文件資料等。 本研究的研究結果如下: 一、個案園長的課程領導理念核心是“以人為中心”和建構主義課程觀。園長在課程領導過程當中,最核心的理念就是“以人為中心”,這種理念投諸於兒童、老師、家長身上,衍生出具體的兒童觀、教師觀和家長觀。在這些觀點的影響下,園長持有建構主義的動態的課程觀。 二、園長的課程領導策略具有情境性,依任務不同而採取不同策略。園長在執行共塑願景與統領課程發展、構建專業的課程領導團隊、提供多元的支持環境等不同任務時,採用的具體策略有所不同。 最後,結合相關理論與研究結論,研究者提出了對於幼兒園園長、園本課程開發,以及未來相關研究的建議。 關鍵詞:民辦幼兒園、幼兒園園長、課程領導

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