
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


PFLL(Maritime Law) 000 (SAMPLE) "鹿特丹規則" 統一海運規則可行性研究 : 以 "一帶一路" 為背景

English Abstract

Abstract Currently there are three effective international maritime conventions relating to carriage of goods by sea, namely Hague Rules, Visby Rules, and Hamburg Rules. The three conventions are not alternative to each other but co-exist in a parallel way. Although it has realized partial unification among regulations of these rules, the coexistence of three lead to lack of global unity in maritime transportation rules. As the international trade and practice of international shipping continue to grow, the consensus has been reached for international society that the unification of international maritime transportation rules is necessary, and the latest Rotterdam Rules are the very outcome following this trend. With the implementation of the Belt and Road initiative, especially the development of e-commerce and multi-modal transportation, there is an urgent need for the unification of the international maritime rules. However, the legislative gaps in the three major international maritime conventions are incapable of responding increasing various legal issues in international shipping. The international maritime rules established by the Rotterdam Rules precisely adapt to the real needs of the Belt and Road initiative in keeping with the development of the times and thus become the best choice for the unification for the moment. There are many factors affecting the entry into force of the Rotterdam Rules. In the long run, the rule rationality and uniform rules sought by the Rotterdam Rules will eventually be accepted by the international community. The strategic cooperation along the Belt and Road has also provided a good opportunity for China to enhance its right to speak in international shipping. China should realize the identity transformation from the passive receiver of the rules to the active leader of the rules. As the initiator of the Belt and Road, if China chooses to join the convention, China should actively promote the entry into force of the Rotterdam Rules, and try to grasp the dominance in interpretation of the rules, so as to create an orientation more conducive to China's interests in the existing regulatory space. If China chooses not to join the Rotterdam Rules, it should govern the formulation of a regional international shipping agreement under the Belt and Road, then the Rotterdam Rules is undoubtedly the best model for that agreement, which all signify that Rotterdam Rules function and has its role in the field of international maritime transportation. Key Words: Rotterdam Rules; the Belt and Road; Unification of law

Chinese Abstract

摘要 在國際海蓮領域存在著三大已生效的國際海運公約,即《海牙規則》、《維斯比規則》和《漢堡規則》,但這三個公約並不是替代性關係,而是並行存在的「三足鼎立」之關係。雖然三大國際海運公約在一定程度上實現了規則的局部或者部分统一,但三大公約並存的現狀實際上導致的結果便是國際海運規則缺乏全球統一性。隨著國際貿易和航運實踐的發展,國際社會對國際海上貨物運輸規則統一的必要性已達成共識,《鹿特丹規則》便是順應時代發展而產生的最新的一個國際海運公約。随著「一帶一路 」戰略倡議的落實,特別是電子商務和多式聯運的發展對國際海運规則的統一提出了緊迫需求,而傅统三大國際海運公約對這些領域的立法空自決定了其無法對當下國際海運中的各類法律問题。《鹿特丹規則》所確立的國際海運規則正因順應時代發展而適應「一帶路」的現實需求,是當下統一全球國際海運規則的最佳選擇。 影響《鹿特丹規則》生效的因素诸多,從長遠角度看《鹿特丹規則》所尋求的規則理性和统一規則終會被國際社會所接受。「一帶一路」戰略合作也為中國提升國際海運話語權提供了良好的契機,中國應實現從規則的被動接受者到規则的積極主導者之間的身份轉化。中國作為「一帶一路」的發起國,若是選擇加入《鹿特丹規則》則應積極推動該公約的生效並爭取主導規則的解释,爭取在現有的規則空間範圍内作出最有利於中國利益的解釋取向。若是選擇不加入《鹿特丹規則》,從提升國際話語權的角度則要去主導「一帶一路」下區域性國際海運公約的制定,那麼《鹿特丹規則》無疑是最好的範本,這也意味著《鹿特丹規則》實際作用於在國際海上貨物運輸領域。 關鍵詞:《鹿特丹規則》一帶一路 法律統一化

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Faculty of Law




Mo Shijian

1/F Zone C
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