
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


PFLL(Law) 000 (SAMPLE) 探研宗教與法律在婚姻秩序中的共通 : 以兩岸四地夫妻忠實義務管制為例

English Abstract

In the Marriage law system, the spousal fudiciary duty plays a crucial role in family's change and development, rise and fall. In existing essays and books, however, there are few scholars researching this topic. In the history, as the spousal fudiciary duty has been long influenced by religions, frameworks of the spousal fudiciary duty varies from doctrine to doctrine. Affected by the development of society, the appellation of the one who violates the spousal fudiciary duty has been softening from “'adultery" to “the third party” and then to “extramarital affair”. The legal approaches to dealing with spousal fudiciary duty offenders have gradually shifted from using both criminal law and civil law with moral ethics to neutrally applying restrictions on the right to divorce, instructions on marriage property organization, marital property division, etc, so as to fairly treat two sides. Due to the unique histories and religious environment, the legal constructions of Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan region have important research value. This paper carries out the study on this topic by investigating the historical changes, social orders and morals, legal tradition, and national psychology, for people violate the spousal fudiciary duty out of various motivations. From strict control to inclusive policies, in fact, it is supposed to have a law-based and reality-based explanation and instruction for this period. Accordingly, this paper will discuss the spousal fudiciary duty in seven chapters. The first chapter, the status quo, and causes of the spousal fudiciary duty our country's husband and wife, will introduce the legal difficulties and their backgrounds and clarify research methodology. The next chapter will then discuss the biological foundation of defining the spousal fudiciary duty as public interest. In the third, we will explore the legislative background of the spousal fudiciary duty-religious and moral constraints. Moving on, we will compare the legislative situation of Hong Kong with the counterpart of Macao, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of related policies in these two regions on the base of the statistic in the fourth chapter. In the next chapter, we will focus on the judicial approach to the spousal fudiciary duty in Taiwan by discussing the movement of including “*adultery into criminal law and legislating on homosexual marriage. Then, we will investigate the impacts caused by alterative means of birth, the equality of homosexuality, media environment etc., and tentatively make suggestions for how to tackle with the same situation in China's mainland by drawing the lessons from U.S.A. and Germanic judicial systems in the sixth chapter. In the last chapter, we will state and explain the legislative suggestions on completing regulation system on the spousal fudiciary duty for the new situation. In this paper, we have (l)innovatively built the rating system of violating the spousal fudiciary duty; (2) preliminarily explained the effects of spousal fudiciary duty; (3)specified the compensation recovery for the third party. (4) clarified the objective criterion of adultery. (5) gave a systematic explanation of the problems among the instructions on marriage property organization and procedure of divorce, and spousal fudiciary duty. Keywords: spousal fudiciary duty, restrictions on the right to divorce, instructions on marriage property organization, rating the behavior of violating the spousal fudiciary duty

Chinese Abstract

婚姻法體系內,對夫妻忠誠義務的規制,是決定普通家庭流、興衰的核 心問題,但現有學術著作中,對其研究頗爲孱弱。歷史的看,夫妻忠誠義務長時間由宗教管制,在不同教義的影響下,該問題內部形成了截然不同的公序良俗架構。隨著社會現實的發展,違反夫妻忠誠義務的稱謂亦從“通姦”到“第三者"再到"婚外戀"緩趨柔和。法律對夫妻忠誠義務的管束已從刑法、民法層面懲治並行且設置道德價值判斷,漸漸轉向為中立的利用離婚自由權限制、婚姻財產制組織導向、夫妻財產劃分、婚後財產分割裁量等手段,進行平衡的救濟。 在該問題上,基於其歷史軌跡造就的複雜宗教信仰構成,以及多元法律淵 源,港澳臺地區的法律建構有教訓可鑒,有經驗可期。同時,婚姻關係內部的 違反夫妻忠誠義務之情勢複雜多變,勢必要通過對歷史變遷、公序良俗、法治 傳統、國民心理進行貫通式的研究,才能尋求法律與宗教之間的共識。事實上,夫妻忠誠義務從明管到疏放的過渡期內,理應有一個既符合法學邏輯也尊重社會現實的對策導向。 為了回應這種切實的需要,本文分七章論述夫妻忠誠義務問題。第一章,呈現我國當下有涉夫妻忠誠義務問題的成文法律體系,介紹管制夫妻忠誠義務 所面臨的具體法律難題及相關背景,並闡明論文研究方法。第二章,追溯夫妻 忠誠義務被界定為公共利益的倫理基礎。第三章,由於宗教作為規制夫妻忠誠 義務問題的重要法源,該章主要探討各宗教原始教義中,之所以強調夫妻忠誠 的邏輯結構支撐。第四章,比較港、澳地區關於夫妻忠誠義務的立法情況,並通過資料分析衡量兩地管制方法的利弊。第五章,通過對臺灣地區的通姦罪入刑及同性戀平權的立法邏輯論證,對標觀察我國過往有關夫妻忠誠義務法律管制之歷史路徑及未來方向。第六章,解析替代性生育手段的成熟、同性戀平權、媒體資訊侵襲等外在環境變遷對夫妻忠誠義務產生的切實影響,並結合美、德的司法經驗,為我國日後之應對夯實基礎。第七章,系統述在新形勢下,完善、優化我國夫妻忠誠義務管制之立法、司法建議。 本文的主要創新點是:1.構建違反夫妻忠誠義務之評級體系。 2.初步明確夫妻忠誠協議之效力。3.界定對婚外第三者之追償。4.厘清法律實務中認定通姦行為之客觀標準。5.對夫妻財產制度導向及離婚程式設置與夫妻忠誠義務之間的關係問題,達成一定的體系性理解。 關鍵詞:夫妻忠誠義務、離婚自由權限制、夫妻財產制導向、夫妻忠誠義務評級

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