
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

The rule of law is the foundation of China's governance. Due to Anti-corruptions an important part of the national governance system, Anti-corruption by law will become inevitable path, It is a systematic project of clean political construction from the perspective of the rule of law, After analyzed and demonstrated, four in one of the rule of law system of anti - corruption that is comprehensive, interoperable, and effective, is sum up, with prevention system, restriction and supervision system, penalty system, and international cooperation framework of Anti-corruption. Anti-corruption organization is the core of fight against corruption in the system of anti-corruption. Taking independent anti-corruption organizations the research entry point, in the basis of analyzing the problems of existing anti-corruption institutions (Discipline Inspection Commission, Supervision Department, Prevention of Corruption and Procuratorate)and researching the experience and reasons for success of foreign Anti-corruption organization, in this paper, the author demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of constructing independent anti - corruption organization in China, and puts forward to constructing the independent anti - corruption organization of China. In this paper, taking the four basic characteristics(independence, authority, integrity and professionalism) of an independent anti-corruption organization as principle, the author puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions on the merger and function integration of the existing anti-corruption institutions; confirms that the independent anti-corruption organization is china special commission of anti-corruption with the authority of national anti-corruption propaganda and education, prevention corruption, supervision corruption, fight against corruption, anti-corruption international cooperation ;andreferring to which ,analyses how to perfect the Supervisory Committee------the product of the state supervision system reform. Based on the need to perfect the legal system of anti-corruption, the author conceives and design the content of anti-corruption laws, which integrates substantive law, procedural law and organizational law, and based on which ,the author puts forward the proposal of formulating and perfecting the relevant anti-corruption laws(takes supervision law as the core), so as to construct an anti-corruption legal system with all-dimensional and multi-angle. Keywords: China, Anti-corruption by law, Anti-corruption organization, Integrity Commission

Chinese Abstract

依法治國是中國的治國之本,反腐敗作為國家治理體系的重要组成部分,依法反腐就成為中國反腐敗的必然路徑選擇。從法治層面研究反腐敗問题,是廉潔政治建設的系统工程,筆者認為,我國應該構建一套全方位的、相互配合的、行之有效的集“預防制度、制約監督制度、懲罰制度、反腐敗國際合作機制”四位於一體的法治反腐制度體系。 反腐敗機構是反腐制度體系中的核心環節,本文以“獨立反腐敗機構”作為研究的切入點,對現有的反腐敗機構(紀委、監察部門、預防腐敗部門、檢查院)存在的問題進行分析並對域外反腐敗機構成功經驗進行研究的基礎上,論證了構建中國獨立反腐败機構的必要性和可行性;提出構建中國獨立反腐败機構。以獨立反腐敗機構的四個基本特徵:獨立性、權威性、廉潔性和專業性原則,提出對現有反腐敗機構進行合併、功能整合的改革對策建議;明確獨立反腐败機構應該是行使全國反腐敗宣傳教育、預防腐敗、監察腐敗、懲罰腐敗、反腐敗國際合作職權的國家專责反腐敗機關:並以此点為參照,對當前國家監察體制改革的產物——監察委員會這一反腐敗機構進行評析。 反腐敗法律制度需要统一和完善,因此本文對制定一部综合性的集實體法、程式法、組織法於一體的反腐敗法的制度内容进行了構想设计,並以此为基礎,提出制定和完善相關反腐敗法律(以《監察法》為核心)的建議:而建起一套全方位.多角度的中國反腐敗法律體系。 關鍵字:中國,法治反腐,反腐敗機構,監察委员會

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Faculty of Law




Administrative agencies -- Discipline -- China

政府行政機關 (含: 委員會, 部門, 等) 及其法規 -- 紀律 -- 中國

Political corruption -- Prevention.

政治舞弊 -- 預防.



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