
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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民事執行制度改革探究: 以葡萄牙執達員職能為視角 = Exploration of cilvil execution system reform : from the perspective of Portuguese bailiff

English Abstract

Exploration of Civil Execution System Reform-From the Perspective of Portuguese Bailiff Abstract The civil execution system of Macao is mainly stipulated in the Code of Civil Procedure, which was written based on Portuguese Code of Civil Procedure of 1961 and the actual situation of Macao during the transitional period, and officially entered into force on November 1,1991. Since the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region, the Code of Civil Procedure, as an important achievement of legal localization, has basically maintained its overall framework and system except as light modification in its individual provisions in 2004. Therefore, in the field of civil execution, the relevant system is still in use today since the effective date of the Code. With the gradual implementation of policies including “One Country, Two Systems” and “Macao People Governing Macao", Macao has witnessed rapid development in economy and society ever since its return to the motherland. As a result, this civil execution system is no longer suit for the status quo of Macao Special Administrative Region, causing problems such as “law enforcement difficulty”" and*slow execution". It is extremely urgent and imperative to reform the civil execution system of Macao, The current situation of Macau is quite similar with that of Portugal in the 1980s, but Portugal has carried out three large-scale civil execution reforms and obtained significant results from 2003 to 2013. The law of Macao is originated from Portuguese law and remains its features. Portugal's experience in civil execution reform has referential values for Macao. This paper consists of five chapters, including the introduction, the civil execution system of Macao, the civil execution system of Portugal, the function and role of bailiff, and the future development direction of Macao's civil execution system. The paper begins with the introduction of the background and current situation of civil execution system reform, and the explanation of the purpose of research, namely to explore the method of solving the “law enforcement difficulty” in civil execution field in Macao. Through discussing the current civil execution system of Macao, the paper analyses the current situation and problems of civil execution in Macao. Then the paper compares the civil execution system of Macao with that of Portugal, states Portugal's three reforms in civil execution, and elaborates the innovation of Portuguese civil execution system-setting up the “bailiff" to manage civil execution. In the fourth chapter, the paper expounds the function and role of bailiff in every link of civil execution. At last, the paper holds the point that Macao should learn lessons from Portugal in developing its civil execution system in the future and improve civil execution through reforms. Key Words: Civil Execution, Bailiff, Judge

Chinese Abstract

民事執行制度改革探究 --以葡萄牙執達員職能為視角 中文摘要 澳門民事執行制度主要規定在《民事訴訟法典》之中,而這部法典以葡萄牙1961年《民事訴訟法典》為蓝本,結合過渡時期澳門本地的實情况而撰寫完成,並於1991年11月1日起正式生效。澳門特别行政區成立至今,作爲法律本地化重要成果的《民事訴訟法典》,僅在 2004年对其个別條款做了一次修改,但整體框架與制度體系並未有较大改動。因此,在民事執行領域,相關制度自法典生效之日起一直沿用至今。 澳門自回歸祖國以来,随著“一國兩制”,“澳人治澳”以及高度自治原則的逐步落實,經濟,社会等各個領域均飛速發展。而這套民事執行制度已經不適合澳門特區的現狀,在民事執行領域出現了“執行難”與“執行慢”等問題。因此澳門民事執行改革迫在眉睫,勢在必行。澳門現在的状况與葡萄牙上世紀八十年代的狀況頗為相似,但葡萄牙已經在 2003 年至 2013 年間進行了三次大規模的民事執行制度改革,並且收效顯著。而且澳門法律脱胎於葡萄牙法律,保留著其“葡式”特性。葡萄牙的民事執行改革經驗對於澳門来說極富參考價值。 本文共由五章構成:導論;澳門民事執行法律制度;葡萄牙民事執行法律制度;執達員的職能與作用;以及澳門民事執行制度未來發展方向。 文章開篇通過導論引入民事執行制度改革的背景與现狀,闡述课题研究目的——探索澳門民事執行領域出現的“執行難”問題的解決方法。通過論述澳門現行的民事執行法律制度,分析澳門民事執行領域的現狀以及出現的問題。接下來通過對比葡萄牙的民事執行制度,梳理葡萄牙三次執行之訴改革,闡述葡萄牙民事執行制度的創新之處——設立“執達员”一職執学民事執行。在第四章文章重點論述了執達员在民事執行程序上每個環節的職能與作用。最後由此及彼,認為澳門未來民事執行制度發展方向應該借鑒葡萄牙的經驗,通過改革完善民事執行。 關鍵字:民事執行,執達员,法官

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Faculty of Law




Executions (Law) -- Macau

執行 (法律) -- 澳門

Executions (Law) -- Portugal

執行 (法律) -- 葡萄牙



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