
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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論情勢變更的適用要件 = Application of the requirements of the principle of the change cricumstances

English Abstract

Application of the requirements of the principle of the changed circumstances Abstract As an exception to the principle of“Practa Sunt Servanda ” , the principle of the changed circumstances is a special and important principle in Civil Law . But it is very complex to determine the principle of the changed circumstances , especially the boundaries between the principle of the changed circumstances with the principle of force majeure and the normal business risk are too vague , and it is very difficult to distinguish . Therefore , this paper tries to analyze and explain the requirements of the principle of the changed circumstances , hoping to help the judge in determining the case of the changed circumstances. This paper consists of three parts . The first part is to analyze and discuss the five requirements of the principle of the changed circumstances in detail . The second part is to distinguish the principle of the changed circumstances with the principle of force majeure and the normal business risk , on the basis of the first part . Try to find out the differences between them , and then provide a theoretical basis to the case of the changed circumstances .The third part is to analyse some case with the five requirements of the principle of the changed circumstances . The first part argues with the five requirements of the principle of the changed circumstances . The first chapter is about the fact requirement of the principle of the changed circumstances , there has a lot of controversial and difficult to judge what is the circumstance and which change can be considered to be significant change . This chapter starts with the aims to find out the answers to the two questions . The second chapter discriminates about the time requirement , in general , the case of the principle of the changed circumstances must be happened after the establishment of the contract and before the contract is fulfilled . But there is a situation special that how to deal with if the changes of the circumstance occur after delay in performance or delay in receiving , this paper also analyzes this . The third chapter discusss about that the happening of the case of the changed circumstances cannot blame the parties this requirement doesn't have much argument , there is just some trouble in the judicial determination. The forth chapter explains the unpredictability requirement of the changed circumstances. There are certain difficulties in determining the case of the changed circumstances , and we have to analyze the case combined with the actual situation . The fifth chapter shows the requirement of consequence , which means that only when it is obviously unfair for one party to perform the original contract or the contract purpose has been frustrated , we can use the principle of the changed circumstances . But there is no a universally accepted standard to judge this requirement , therefore , after reading some material , the author put forward a method that can be regarded as one criterion of judgement , hoping can have some help . The second part and the third part can be considered as the essence of the article. This chapter combines the five requirements which the preceding five chapters have mentioned , and makes comparisons and distinctions between the principle of the changed circumstances and the principle of force majeure and the normal business risk , hoping to find out the method to distinguish them effectively . And then verifies if the method is valid by means of analyzing the relevant cases . Keywords :circumstance, the changed circumstance, contract basis, force majeure, business risk

Chinese Abstract

论情势变更的适用要件 中文摘要 情势变更原则作为“契约严守原则”的例外存在,是民法中一个特殊而又重要的原则。但情势变更原则的认定非常复杂,特别是跟不可抗力和正常的商业风险之间的界限过于模糊,难以区分,所以本文试对情势变更原则的要件进行分析和解释,希望能对法官在认定情势变更案件时有所帮助。 本文由三大部分构成,文章的第一部分是对情势变更原则的五大要件的详细分析和论述:第二部分是在前五章的基础对情势变更原则与商业风险和不可抗力原则进行区分,试找出它们之间的不同点,为在实务中正确认定情势变更案件提供理论基础;第三部分是通过案例分析的形式,进一步分析情势变更五大要件在实际中的运用。 文章第一章是文章的主体部分,是对情势变更五大要件的内容以及概念的具体分析和阐述,并重点分析这五大要件中存在的争议点和难点。比如关于情势变更原则的事实要件,主要分析何为“情势”以及什么样的变化算是“重大变化”;对于情势变更原则的时间要件,一般来说,情势变更原则的发生须是在合同成立之后,履行完毕之前,但这里有一种特殊情况,就是如果情势变更是发生在迟延履行或者延迟受领之后,应当如何处理的情形,本文对此也进行了分析;对于情势变更原则的不可归责性,指的是案件的发生不可归责于合同双方当事人,这个要件一般来说没有太大的争议,只是在实务认定中可能会有一些麻烦。情势变更原则的不可预见性,我们在认定案件时有一定的困难,没有一个具体的标准来对此进行判断,必须要结合具体的案件进行分析。情势变更原则的后果要件是比较重要的部分,因为只有情势变更发生后造成的后果必须要达到“显失公平”或合同目的落空的程度,我们才可能适用情势变更制度,但实务中判定这个要件时没有统一的标准,所以作者在阅读整理一些资料后,提出了自己认为可以作为评判标准之一的办法,希望能有所帮助。 文章第二、第三章可以说是对第一章内容的一个升华,结合了前文提到的五个要件,对情势变更原则和商业风险跟不可抗力规则进行比较和区分,希望能找到在实务中有效区分它们的方法,之后还通过对有关案例进行分析,验证该办法是否恰当可行。 关键词:情势,情势变更,合同基础,不可抗力,商业风险

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Faculty of Law








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